About me

I’m a biologist with a PhD in physiology from Copenhagen University, working as a full time scientist in the corporate world. 

I’m also the proud dog-mother of Chico, a rescue puppy sunshine that lit up our lives. He needed and still needs a lot of help to overcome a rough start in life (you can read his case study here). He is the main reason I started the journey to learn as much as I could to help him. He rescued me from the ordinary routine and triggered my scientific curiosity in the world of dog training. 

That is how I discovered positive training and found Victoria Stilwell Academy (VSA). I became a Certified Dog Trainer at VSA, knowledge and skills assessed. I continue educating myself in the field by attending seminars, courses and dog training conferences in Denmark and abroad (you can read more about my dog training education journey here).

I have found myself frequently answering questions and giving advice to friends and colleagues facing challenges with their four-legged companions and realized all the knowledge I have gathered can be put to the service of other dogs and their families. As a consequence, Science & Dogs is born as a combination of my two passions: science and dogs, with the goal to help dogs learn how to live in a human world and help families understand them.
For now, Science & Dogs will be a parallel career for me and I will help as many dogs as I can, on the side of my full time scientist job. 

My main focus is to help dogs coming from shelters or other troubled backgrounds. I’m glad to volunteer at Dyrenes Beskyttelse shelter and help enrich dog’s lives. I know from own experience, living with rescue dogs since childhood, what it takes to welcome a dog into your home, your family and your heart. I also help families with dogs coming from a happier upbringing.

I am committed to make a difference for you and your dog and I’m sure all the “nerding” I have done (and continue to do) in dog training, can truly transform your dog’s life and help them become well-adjusted members of your family and community.
Maria Tejada Mittgaard
PhD., CDT.
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